Kinray Hub

Indigenous-led Klimate Research & Resiliency Development


Kinray Hub is an indigenous-led nonprofit research organization. Indigenous leader Ñawi Flores conceived the organization in collaboration with indigenous and non-indigenous scientists, conservationists, technologists, farmers, and community members. We strive to create an ecosystem in which culture, climate, science, and technology serve as dynamic and interconnected mechanisms to build a more sustainable and just society.


Kinray Hub is dedicated to regenerative agriculture, social ecology, biocultural knowledge, and comprehensive resource management. As a reciprocal bridge-building organization, Kinray Hub conducts rigorous scientific research on Indigenous Kultural-Agricultural Systems Heritage (I-KASH) practices in-situ academic research that centers, uplifts and analyzes the eroding traditional agricultural practices of Andean Ecuador to address klimate change from the ground up. We conduct our research in partnership with the indigenous farmers whose land we study and develop agricultural research that honors nature as the planet’s most significant shareholder. 


Kinray Hub also works on redefining research governance and data sovereignty from an Indigenous perspective; believing that the results of academic studies and data generated should be held by the indigenous communities themselves, not external researchers. By ethically uniting Indigenous knowledge systems with klimate and sustainability-focused scientific research, we work to reduce educational hierarchy and restore socioeconomic equity.

Our Vision

Kinray Hub is designed to be a cyber-transboundary platform, facilitating global collaboration and knowledge-sharing. The organization aims to decolonize climate solutions by integrating indigenous knowledge systems and intellectual property rights into a shared and open discourse. The Kinray Hub also serves as an incubator for climate technology solutions, fostering innovation that is both ecologically sustainable and socially just.

By offering a multidimensional approach to klimate action, social equity, and economic sustainability - Kinray Hub not only addresses immediate challenges but also builds resilience for future generations. This is not just a project; it is a movement aimed at redefining how humanity interacts with the planet and each other through sharing knowledge of all kinds.

Our Progress

Working with community members of the Chichupamba clan in the Andes of Ecuador - Kinray Hub’s latest project focuses on optimizing the growth of native, resilient crops through sustainable agriculture practices, and testing agroforestry practices for soil erosion mitigation, thereby contributing to food security and biodiversity.

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Let's Collaborate

We are always looking for scientists, research groups, interns, volunteers, or anyone else who aligns with our mission and who would like to participate in the work we’re doing. Please reach out to us at to share some information about yourself or your organization and how you envision us collaborating.


Indigenous-led Klimate Research & Resiliency Development